Monday 28 January 2013

DIY Garland

Here's a little quick an easy DIY project that will brighten up a room. I hadn't made a pom pom for a while and have been staring at all these beautiful coloured wools on my shelf. Just winking at me and asking me to do something with them.
So here's how to make a simple pom pom garland. Make some pom poms, thread them together using a tapestry needle. In between each pom pom I threaded a pearl but you could add anything in-between or use different size pom poms. It really looked fab hanging anywhere, from the curtain pole, draped over a picture, I settled for hanging it off a fireplace mantle. 
A bit of everyday decoration.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Fun in the snow

We have been having lots of fun in the snow recently as its not often it actually settles in England. So we have been making the most of it. This was Rex's first sledging experience and he loved it of course, so this was all we did all weekend x

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Kat This Kat That featured on All Abroad Baby

I am so chuffed to say that we have been featured today 
on the amazing site All Abroad Baby here.
It is such a fab site which literally allows you to shop the world through this portal of online stores. Rachael finds the best and most unique products from around the globe for you. So you can just to sit back comfortably and browse from your sofa and be inspired in the process. All Abroad Baby also provides holiday ideas and tips for travelling with little ones and features mums from around the globe.
Rachael is an inspiration, creating all of this, plus a freelance writing career and two kids, amazing !

Thanks so much for featuring us. x

Thursday 17 January 2013

Mama Style

Spring is so so far away but it seems a shame to just keep these crazy trousers for those sunny times of the year, especially in England where it feels like the sun never shines. Who says that you can't wear crazy colours in winter, it definitely cheers you up and everyone around you too. I certainly got some funny looks today and some smiles. The one great thing I love about wearing something a bit bright or silly is that its a great conversation starter and I get chatting to some really great people because  of it.

So come on dig out those crazy bits and make your winter wardrobe fun. x

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Every home needs some shiny balls!

Yes you did read that right. I love a shiny disco ball and in the Christmas sales I found  two more sizes to add to my collection. These will be a permanent fixture and be a bit of everyday decoration to beat the January blues. I think they look fab in the fireplace and its a bit of different look from stacked wood and candles. I am finding it so hard to get into gear this month and hated taking down the decorations as per usual. A few have stayed though, a disco ball here and some fairy lights there. 
Why not every days a celebration right ?x

Monday 7 January 2013

Funny Faces

We have so much cardboard, paper and plastic left over from Christmas that I thought I must find something inspiring to do with all this rubbish. So say hello to our "funny face maker" that I made out of a cardboard box. All you need is some cardboard, paint, a pencil, scissors and a scalpel. Just cut out a circle for a face base. Then draw on some separate card all different sized facial features, cut out them out and paint. For hair pipe cleaners are amazing and good old wool for hair and beards. Rex loved it and extra brownie points its educational too. x 

Wednesday 2 January 2013

We're in Red Magazine Whoop!

Happy New Year Everyone !

What a great start to the new year ! Rex and I and our home has been featured in the Feb issue of Red Magazine. I am so, so, so super chuffed ! 
Thank you so much to Tara and Mark you guys rock ! 
Thank you also to Pip at Red Magazine for featuring us. 
So over the moon . x