Wednesday 2 January 2013

We're in Red Magazine Whoop!

Happy New Year Everyone !

What a great start to the new year ! Rex and I and our home has been featured in the Feb issue of Red Magazine. I am so, so, so super chuffed ! 
Thank you so much to Tara and Mark you guys rock ! 
Thank you also to Pip at Red Magazine for featuring us. 
So over the moon . x


  1. WELL DONE! Clever Red Magazine for featuring, what a beautiful house, Kat and Rex!

  2. Hi Kat. Just wanted to say that I read the article in Red magazine and was immediately inspired. I have recently gone through a painful life-change and am in the process of revamping my home, going along the lines of a blank canvas with lots of colour. I feel happier straight-away, and it fits with having a 3-year old child perfectly!

    Your blog is brilliant, and full of great ideas which won't break the bank. I am looking forward to crocheting an afghan throw for my sofa, and buying some porcelain pens to make funny-face plates with my son this weekend. By the way, where do you get them from?

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you so much for writing and I am so chuffed you like my blog and the Red feature.
      It really means so much when I hear back from people that they want to create things and make a wonderful home for themselves full of fun and colour, and yes that doesn't need to cost the earth. I so envy you being able to crochet, one day I will learn, I've promised myself. Those plates are so much fun and got my son eating.
      I got my porcelain pen on Amazon but they do sell them at Hobby Craft if your buy one and I have seen them in most art shops too.
      Keep in touch and please send me a pic of your plates when you finished if you get a mo.
      Thanks Again
      Kat x

  3. Hi Kat, just been reading the feature on your home in Red magazine. I love your style! and your house looks gorgeous! So much to look at! I love your mix of vibrant colours, nik naks and vintage xx

  4. Thank you thats really kind of you to say. Glad you liked it and I hope you will enjoy my blog too x

  5. Just read it and looked you up... Lovely style... Particularly like the use of the sledge. mytinygallery. :)

  6. Just as I signed in to post this comment I realised my 9 year old Rosa has hijacked my account :) I am not actually 9 years old and I don't look after goldfish ;) Emma x

    1. Hi Emma
      Thank you so much. So glad you liked it and I hope that you will enjoy my blog too.
      Kat x

  7. Awesome! Your home Is so beautiful xx

  8. Hi Kat, I read your magazine article today and couldn't wait to check out your blog. I found your article really comforting as I have tons of 'stuff' that I've collected over the years, especially from traveling. I've been made to feel that it's just clutter and have been trying to get rid of most of it for about the last 10 years, but of course with no luck because the clutter is actually really meaningful to me. Because I've never really fully embraced it, a few rooms in my house just look a jumbled up mess but thanks to your article I've realised that the things I've collected should be on show and embraced! As of today I'm no longer de-cluttering I'm rearraging and displaying. Anna x

    1. Hi Anna,
      Thank you so much for writing. Yes embrace away get rid of the guilt and enjoy.
      i like to call it my organised chaos my husband calls my stuff junk and swears I'm a hoarder.
      If he wasn't around I am sure I will end up an old woman on one of those hoarder uncovered programmes ;-) x
      I love my bits and bobs xK

  9. Well done!!
    I was in Red too, might try and get hold of this issue. Love your home.
    Happy to have found your blog. Emma xxx

    1. Hi Emma,
      So glad you like my blog, love yours too x
      I am so jealous of your caravan I want one. You have inspired me as what with the new baby on the way I am loosing my craft room/office/dumping ground of stuff room.
      Kat x
