Monday 28 January 2013

DIY Garland

Here's a little quick an easy DIY project that will brighten up a room. I hadn't made a pom pom for a while and have been staring at all these beautiful coloured wools on my shelf. Just winking at me and asking me to do something with them.
So here's how to make a simple pom pom garland. Make some pom poms, thread them together using a tapestry needle. In between each pom pom I threaded a pearl but you could add anything in-between or use different size pom poms. It really looked fab hanging anywhere, from the curtain pole, draped over a picture, I settled for hanging it off a fireplace mantle. 
A bit of everyday decoration.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I made one the other day, but I used coloured fuzzy balls I bought from the craft shop. Everything looks better with a garland!
