Thursday 13 December 2012

Up Up & Away

Ive always loved old fashioned illustrations of brightly coloured hot air balloons, so beautiful. So I thought I would make some for our tree. 

These really are so easy to make. All you need is some PVA glue, Newspaper cut into strips, balloons, string or embroidery thread, a large tapestry needle,an old egg box and paint.

Blow your balloon up as big or as small as you like. I thought I might make some bigger ones in the new year with Rex.

Cover in Papier Mache and leave to dry. They dry super fast on a radiator.

Stick on 3 threads to balloon and cover in papier mache. Then cut a section from an egg box.

Then cover your make shift basket also in papier mache and leave to dry. When dry thread your strings attached to balloons on a needle and stitch on basket thread by thread and knot to secure.

Paint your balloon and stitch through top of balloon to create a hanging loop.


  1. LOVE your tree and decorations xxxx

    1. Thank you x hope you are going to give some of them a go ?
