Thursday 2 February 2012

Yellow in the snow

I'm over the weather and winter in general. I am not a winter person at all apart from Christmas of course. I find this time of year really hard to keep my chin up and not slip into the doom and gloom that is also reflected back at me in the weather. It's also been a tough week here as Rex has been teething so bad and has had bad side effects from his jabs. But today there is a silver lining as Rex has perked up and that has made me smile through the bags under my eyes from lack of sleep ! But also how could you not smile when you look at these gorgeous daffodils that were a birthday gift. My favourite flower and one of my favourite colours. So I was inspired by the daffs this morning and put on my yellow 70's dress. Full of static and rides up my body constantly but I love it. Onwards and Upwards, Bring on spring ! x

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous colour Kat! Looking fabulous- I'm on the hunt for a yellow dress for when the sun starts shining again - but should take a cue from you and not wait that long!
