Thursday 28 March 2013

DIY Bunny Mask

A little bit of extra Easter fun for Rex for our Easter egg hunt this weekend, I have made a felt bunny mask. My inspiration was Ronald, our rabbit and it took no time at all.
All you need is some felt, interfacing to stiffen the felt, a needle and thread or sewing machine and elastic to keep the mask on.
Just cut a template out of paper and pin it on to felt and cut round, stitch together and that's it.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

DIY Easter decorations

Rex and I had so much fun this weekend making some Easter decorations all made with stuff we had round the house.
We made some eggs out of balloons covered in papier mache and cardboard cut into shapes of bunnies and eggs. To decorate all of them we used was cut up coloured tissue paper, glitter, paint and gum shapes. I then threaded some ribbon through and hung them from the chandelier.

Thursday 21 March 2013

DIY Easter Surprise

This hatching spring chicken is so easy to make and I will be making more of these with Rex this weekend.
All you need to do is cut a template out, then draw round and cut out in card or old cardboard boxes.
Then Paint, decorate and punch a hole in either end, thread some ribbon through so the shell lid slides up and down the ribbon. It would make a great Easter card or to hang up. The Easter festivities and decorations are in full swing x

19 Weeks Bump Style

Halfway next week ! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going its very frightening and beginning to sink in. In less than 5 months I will be a mother of two ! That is really scary and feels and sounds a lot more grown up. Well at least I have a hand for each of them. Slightly freaking out as you can tell and thinking of all the things I need to get done before the new arrival.
A wise women once said to me " You only become a mother once " so at least the surprise of motherhood and a new born will not hit me like a ton of bricks this time. However there is a certain comfort in ignorance is bliss. I know what is to come this time, hence the freaking out bit. I am so excited though and to see Rex be a big brother, but I just cannot imagine loving another like Rex as its all consuming and grows every day. I have been reassured it is, by all my wonderful friends of more than one child. Next week Phil and I have decided to find out what we are having when we go for our scan. I wish I had the strength to wait but I am just too excited. I am sure its a boy though x

Thursday 14 March 2013

18 Weeks Bump Style

18 weeks already. Ive managed to dig some vintage dresses out that fit still. Like this little 80's knitted number. I love this dress its got knitted braces how brilliant, a whole outfit in one.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

DIY Daffs

I love daffodils they are one of my favourite flowers, their presence also signals the end of winter and the start of spring, yay ! Lets just hope it starts warming up too !
Rex and I are slowly getting back into the swing of things and we decided to make some daffodils of our own. They looked great in a vase with the real thing, but you could also stick them on a card for a pretty Easter card idea.

This is all you need to make your daffs.

Thursday 7 March 2013

17 weeks Bump style

Its official now I am definitely pregnant, none of my jeans fit anymore. I have been getting away with using a hair band wrapped around the button and tied through the button hole, but it was starting to give me serious tummy ache. So I have bought a couple of pairs of maternity jeans. The only bit of maternity wear that is worth buying, the rest I will muddle along in with stretchy stuff and anything else in my wardrobe that will fit. 
I had forgotten since I had Rex just how dire the high street and on line offering is in maternity wear, unless you want to spend a small fortune on the amazing Isabella Oliver. Worth it for a special occasion or smart stuff for work.
Ive always loved a poncho and even more so now as it hides my roundness at the moment until I have a proper bump to show off. Not just a general all over roundness of which I am at the moment!

These leopard print jeggings are from H&M Maternity.