Thursday 28 February 2013

Onwards & Upwards

With all the doom and gloom over the past weeks I have allowed myself to hide and cry and lick my wounds. Nothing makes you have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and plough into the future like having a toddler and being pregnant. The future is bright full of life so time to stop looking back, force those eyes forwards,onwards and upwards. Life is beautiful.
I'm feeling not so beautiful at the moment. I'm at that awkward 16 weeks where i don't look pregnant yet, just a bit round and fat like Ive had a massive dinner ! I'm limited already to just things stretchy. I think second time around my stomach muscles or whats left of them are not putting up a fight this time. I am however not relinquishing myself to tracksuits. I will be a stylish and fun pregnant woman. I hope if I say this as a mantra every morning it might just work.x

Thursday 14 February 2013

Loo Roll Love x

We have a lot of old loo roll tubes in the house from all the colds and tears x
This valentines day is especially poignant to show our love more than ever. So Rex and I made some home made Valentine cards for my hubbie.
All you need to make your very own heart Valentine stamp is a loo roll, card and paint.
Just shape the loo roll tube into a heart form, place the end in paint and stamp away.
Happy valentines everyone and tell those special people in your life how much you love them.
Thank you so so much to all those who have shown myself and my family so much love and kindness over the last week or so. Your words, support and love have been so overwhelmingly wonderful and comforting, thank you x

Big Love x

Monday 11 February 2013

One In One Out

Life is full of such wonderful joy and such immense sadness, but when it is felt simultaneously it leaves you in equal measures of both marvel and shock.
In the last week my life has been a roller coaster of emotions of ecstatically happy to immense emotional pain and back again.
My father very suddenly passed away last week, it was, and still is such a huge shock.
We also recently have just told everyone that we are expecting our second child as I am 14 weeks pregnant.
It really did make me feel like life works in a one in one out policy, well that's how it has felt to me.
I mentioned in a previous post my Dad had vascular dementia and I was always so terrified of how and what state he would exit this life in. Even as much as it is a shock to me to loose him so suddenly. I feel so blessed that I lost him knowing that he knew who he was and who we are and that he was so loved very much.

Life is a gift that is so precious and amazing and in a blink of an eye its gone, so enjoy and treasure every second of everyday if you can.

Bye Bye Daddy I Love you x

Sunday 3 February 2013

Snotty !

Sorry its been a bit quiet not much this and that'ing going on in the world of Kat I'm afraid.
I have slowly worked my way through a bumper pack of loo rolls and slowly drowning in a sea of snotty tissues ewww !Achoooooo! 
I have been in bed for 5 days as I have a bacterial sinus infection. Let me tell you it is one of the most painful things. Its like the worst toothache and hangover headache rolled into one. 
I'm a mess,my poor hubbie is exhausted, the house is a tip and Rex is climbing the walls with boredom ! 

Be back with you ASAP ! I hope ! LOL K x