Wednesday 28 November 2012

DIY Burb Hybrid

I'm a huge fan of Burberry Prorsum but sadly I don't have the big wallet for the real McCoy. They not only create fab looks but they consistently churn out amazing and quirky accessories. I loved the S/S 11 raffia pom pom hat, and now for A/W 12 they have these lovely flat caps. I had a light bulb moment. I fancied a combination of the two. A Pom Pom flat cap ! I stole my husband Phil's flat cap and made a pom pom in black wool and stitched it on. 
A pom pomtastic flat cap Burb Hybrid.

Burberry Prorsum A/W 2012

 Burberry Prorsum S/S 2011

Wednesday 21 November 2012

DIY Kids Cooker

I've been looking at cookers and kitchens for Rex for ages as he loves all his saucepans and faux food and makes a beeline for them at friends houses. I looked at the price and thought will the novelty wear off if we have one in our house? I thought to myself why not just make one, Rex loves a cardboard box as much as a kitchen so the two combined would surely be an irresistible combination to him.
It really was easy to make I promise, especially if you use an old small piece of furniture as a base. I was so chuffed with the outcome and even the knobs turn. 
Rex adores it and it cost me nothing.

All you need is cardboard, brown paper, gaffer tape, Stanley knife, Old bottle tops, metal paper ties, string and glue.

Measure all the pieces to fit snugly round your furniture base and cut out with Stanley knife.

Cut two square out making sure to leave one side to score and fold to act as a hinge for a grill and oven door. Then stick sides together around the frame with Gaffer tape and cover with brown paper.

Make a hole in the centre of bottle tops and attach with a paper tie. This allows the knobs to turn.
Then thread string through some holes a secure with a knot to make oven and grill door handles.

Cut four circles out for hob and stick with glue.

Then add details with pens or paint.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

DIY Spruce up

I picked up these grubby sad looking vintage earrings at a boot sale recently and instantly saw the potential they had to be beautiful again. To jazz them up a bit all I used was just some nail varnish in bright colours. Paint it on and leave to dry. Look at these beauties now a pop of colour for a winters day. 

Saturday 17 November 2012

A breath of fresh air to repair

Its amazing just how better you feel about things when you step outside into the fresh air. A big open space allows you time to breath, reflect and process life.
Sorry for the lack of posts  its been a tough couple of weeks here at home. My father has recently been diagnosed with vascular dementia which has been a whopper to deal with emotionally. My side of the family consists of just me and my Dad. So as my Dads memory starts to fade so does the only person that remembers me as a child and my life growing up.
So my blog has become even more important to me now as Rex will always have a photo documentary of his life, and all the crazy and silly things we got and carry on getting up to. 
Here forever for him to always see and read.
Life sucks sometimes but then it shows you its beauty and makes you pick yourself up and get on with it x

Monday 5 November 2012

Remember Remember

The 5th of November ! Hope your weekends and your Guy Fawkes Celebrations are full of joy and sparkle. x