Monday 31 October 2011

Mama Style Monday 31st October

Wrapping up warm needn't be dull and boring. Mixing textures and prints is the best part of winter dressing. Monochrome is a fave of mine. So that its not too matchy, I added a pop of colour with my home made pompom necklace.
Happy Halloween, hope you get more treats than tricks. The trick or treaters better come quick as every time I walk past my tin of sweets I keep munching. At least I'm burning calories walking to and from the tin.

Nordic knit cardi and white leather fringed boots both TK Maxx and leggings from River Island.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Batty Bits

Here's a few more spooky homemade bits a pom pom spider.

Paper hanging bats.

Boo Bunting

A bit of Halloween silly decor I made for our home.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Felt Fun

Do you remember Fuzzy Felt ?
I used to love it, and I had the light bulb above head moment. Rex has to learn the love of fuzzy felt too. After trying to figure out the mechanics of fuzzy felt. During this process I have only just found out that felt does not have magical sticking properties to other felt, childhood myth. But after testing and Rex eating Velcro dots which came off the back of the original 1st testing of felt bits. I found that felt sticks very nicely to carpet tiles that we have on the conservatory floor. We had some spares, so cut them to fit frame. Cut some plywood to stick carpet tiles onto and stuck it in a frame. There you have it, Rex can create a masterpiece in felt every day, that's if most of it does not end up being eaten.

Let's Bring back sisterhood

It all started with the dreaded questions I get asked a lot:

“What do you do all day?”

My husband thinks I drink coffee all day (let’s not get started with that, that’s a whole other topic) I hope he’s joking.

Plus all the media attention mothers seem to be getting, it’s the hot topic of conversation that is always gingerly put up for discussion.

It used to be them against us, them being the men. Now it's working mums versus stay at home mums. I say enough is enough; we are all mothers and women we need to support each other in our very hard quest at being mothers.

As much as I hate having to admit I am a full time mum or “Domestic Engineer“ that I heard once which I love. But why do I hate to admit that, I should be proud, why am I not ? This admission brings up it's own feelings of inadequacy, that people no longer have respect for what I do and of having lost my sense of who I am and so on. But we are always told that our jobs should never be just who we are about, so why is it not the same for the job of a mum? I am trying to carve a new career by trying to slowly build up a new business by myself. So that one day I will still be me and have a sense of purpose when my kid goes to school, but so what if I have to start all over again when that time comes, it shouldn’t matter.

I would love to work part time but like many mothers financially with childcare I would have ended up making £10 a day wage so what’s the point. My husband works so hard and I really appreciate that he supported me opting to stay with Rex and start my own thing slowly. We are not rich by any means and we have had to make sacrifices to make this work.

Being a mother, working or stay at home is bloody hard and maintaining a healthy relationship, or any resemblance of a relationship during bringing up a child is also bloody hard.

I found motherhood a real struggle to start with. It was one gigantic shock that I am still shell shocked from. Rex turned my world upside down and inside out. I think I had this romantic vision of what it would be like, some of it is true but most of it is still in fairytales. Nothing can ever prepare you for this, but my way to cope was to surrender fully to my new life and to create and build a whole new one from scratch.

It’s a love / hate balancing act like being in a hamster wheel, fall off and it all goes to pot, it's relentless and thankless.

It’s not a competition motherhood it’s a life choice that needs a lot of support from family and friends and from other women.

So what do I do all day? The same as you, a job and I’d like to say to all of you ladies well done and thank you, however which way you do it x

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Lovely Corner

I guess I should really start giving you a house tour bit by bit, so that you can see what cluttered but fun chaos we live in. Lots of bits and bobs everywhere as I am a collector of many things ( Phil calls it hoarding )I prefer collector.This red bird cage caught my eye as usual. Check out the globe, its cool just to look at but it has an even greater purpose of also being a drinks cabinet, how brilliant is that.I love this little corner with all the greenery and the pop of red. Its an occupational hazard that all over the house there are Little areas styled up ready to be snapped. That give me inspiration like a living ever evolving mood board.

Animal Crackers

Rex and I were wearing our animal jumpers today I'm wearing a psychedelic leopard jumper and Rex has one with a little elephant on, with his arm creating the trunk.
Both are from second hand shops and were such a bargain, I really would love an adult sized version of Rex's.
We got some looks down the wood yard getting some wood cut for our next DIY project, so watch this space.

Monday 24 October 2011

Rex Style

Rex Rocking the vintage knits x

Baby Grow TK Maxx
Trousers Polarn O. Pyret

Natures Pom Pom

A did a little DIY project today and sorry still on the pom pom obsession. Taking inspiration from a dandelion clock I made some homemade versions with wool and twigs. Really simple and I think really pretty.

Mama Style Monday 24th October

Sorry for the quietness over the past few days. I have a good excuse apart from the night away at Rex's Godmother and my disorganization. The next day my beautiful girlie from South Africa arrived to stay with us for 3 weeks yay ! So have been catching up, drinking too much coffee, gossiping and making her feel at home and so on x But we are back and now ready for business again.
So to kick off the new week a vintage printed dress with spotty socks, I love clashing prints.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Lovely stuff and Finds

We tried drawing today think I enjoyed it more than Rex, who was more interested in the crayon container than drawing. Made a nice message for Daddy though for when he gets in and misses us. x

Cute elephant knit how cool is the trunk for an arm.

Another retro knit, both from charity shops.

Rex's first cutlery set, which he loves wielding dangerously around his head like a ninja. These are from Zara home.

Mama Style Thursday 20th October & All Packed up

Rex and I are off for a night away today to see Rex's Godmother. It is like a military operation and looks like we are moving home not just going away for 24 hours, its ridiculous. I am not known personally for being able to travel light but was determined as a mum to be able to travel so. I am finding it impossible, these are just two of the bags containing toys and overnight stuff, we also have a travel cot, mattress, high chair, push chair and spoons, bibs beakers etc.....

Feeling a bit better today so thought I'd drag an old fave out and wear my vintage spotty ensemble.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Cosy Mama Style and Boot Bootie

Just wanted to be comfy and cosy today with little Rex as we are both a bit snotty. Couldn't resist popping into a boot sale this morning as we were passing.
What a feast for the eyes it was and I stupidly forgot my camera. There were some serious boot bootie to be had. A man with a van full of liberty remnants, there was a scrum and another man with a van full of bits of the most amazing fabric, table cloths,and anthropological crafty bits. Poor little Rex nearly got buried in the fabric frenzy check out these finds.

Not so stylish mama today x

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Mama Style Tuesday 18th October

Off to the Expo again today for more seminars, so I thought I would wear something really unpractical that I would look really stupid pushing a buggy in and therefore wont get a chance to wear for a while.
A white shirt big no no with a small being and a bow tie that would cause some looks at soft play x
The skirt is from H&M and I love the knitted Geo pattern and will work with so many other things. The Michael Jackson white leather biker jacket is an amazing vintage find. I drag it out year after year.

Monday 17 October 2011

Mama Style Monday 17th October

Winter florals today in my 70's maxi with a necklace I got in a market in Oman, Muscat.
Going up to London again today to the Fashion Source Expo, which showcases ethical and sustainable designers, fabric suppliers, grassroots projects and co-opratives. I am hoping to one day work with co-opratives on my own brand, which is in the very early stages of development so getting a bit of networking and good future contacts hopefully.

Knit Wits

These are the cutest matching daddy and son hand knitted vintage cowachins. I bought these when I was pregnant with Rex and he fits into it now, perfect timing for winter. Promise to post a picture of my two favourite boys wearing these.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Weekend in Pictures

Sunday Stars.

Stunning Stylish Mama of two ! Gabby.

Mamma's and Mama to be x

Truly wonderful Sunday Roast and fantastic friends at Ja and Lou's stunning home. Thank you x

Pints ( Beer for the boys and milk for the bubs ), balloons, great friends and the most stylish party bags.

Maggie's 1st Birthday party with her very beautiful stylish mama Toni .

TaDah ! Pom Pom Hat

Pom Poms Done.
Pom Poms on Ta da ! with the 60's shades.